We are a member-supported tennis facility which is open to the public for a daily player fee.
We offer 20 clay courts (14 with lights) with programs and play for all ages and levels!

For news and updates, follow us on Facebook!

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With the time change on Sunday the SPTC is now open for play until 7:30 PM Monday through Friday!! Give our Front Desk team a call at (727) 823-2225 to book a court for some after-work play.

With the time change on Sunday the SPTC is now open for play until 7:30 PM Monday through Friday!! Give our Front Desk team a call at (727) 823-2225 to book a court for some after-work play. ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Lol so fun!

So Much Fun To Watch! Thanks for sharing your skill and great spirit of fun tennis

The 2025 Wimbledon in March (Wear Your Whites!) event at the St Petersburg Tennis Center was a success on many fronts. Thank you!

We had a great turnout, 60 people in all, including 4 talented teens from the SPTC Courier's Kids Program. Thank you to Sofia, Leo, Fabio, and Anastasia for not only playing, but having fun with us throughout the day.

It appeared everyone enjoyed themselves - playing in the clinics and round robin, watching the Pros entertain us playing with wood racquets, and the single point shootout which culminated in the crowning of the winners as King and Queen of the event - Britt Murphy and Kathie Kenyon.

We appreciate the efforts of all who helped make this a successful event.

A special thank you to Chris Zibailo, for his invaluable knowledge, tireless efforts to help us leverage the tech systems at SPTC, and coordinate with Jack Bailey, Steve Johnson, and the staff at SPTC.

Thank you to Steve Johnson with the prompt website and FB content updates, and thanks to all the front desk staff, the court grooming "crew", Managing Director Jack Bailey, SPTC teaching Pros Katie Koperski, Maria Francesa, plus Shikha Signh (Director of Racquet Club St Petersburg) and former SPTC teaching pro David Plotkin - who also arranged for Parkviewlive to provide live-streaming of the event at no charge. I know many who were unable to attend watched this event from afar.

Thanks also to Jay Sokolovsky, who graciously provided his time and photography skills to capture many moments of this event. Here are some photos of the event.....more will be available later.

Participants enjoyed a Wimbledon breakfast, cocktails and afternoon pot luck.
Thank you to the members who provided food and drink and their time to help make the social aspect of the event a success as well.

As soon as all the registrant fees and donations have been accounted for, we will update you with the amount that will be donated to SPTC Courier's Kids Program.

Thank you,
Lynn Stone and John Stone
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1 week ago

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I was a guest for 3 weeks at SPTC back in 1979. I enjoy to follow the club. In 1979 it was wooden rackets - my favorite was a Snauvert caravelle 😎

Thanks to Everyone for such a fun event! Can’t wait for the next one 🎾👟


Location & Hours

650 18th Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL 33705

Club hours have been restricted due to lack of nighttime lighting caused by Hurricane Milton.  Thank you for your understanding while we work to repair or replace our lights!

Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Please call if the weather is in question, as we may be closed during rain and other adverse conditions.

Mid-day Closure

Due to the limited hours mentioned above, the normal mid-day maintenance closure has been suspended.

Contact us

    St. Petersburg Tennis Center

    Proud of our Past, Dedicated to the Future
    (727) 823-2225 • 650 18th Ave S, St. Petersburg, FL 33705

    For assistance, contact Jack Bailey, General Manager